Categories: Sport

Build a Full Stack Twitter Clone with Coding Garden

CJ is an Educator, Full Stack Developer and Maker. He streams himself live coding tutorials and walk throughs about Full Stack Web Development and other related tech on the YouTube channel Coding Garden with CJ.

Deployed app:
Github repo:

What is the Full Stack?

* Basics of HTML/CSS/JavaScript
* Node.js Installed
* MongoDB Installed

## Outline
* [2:10] Overview of what we will build
* [3:01] Diagram the Full Stack
* [8:09] Setup the client
* [12:22] Create a form on the client
* [14:40] Listen for form submit on the client
* [18:38] Show a loading spinner
* [24:11] Setup the server
* [27:12] Add a GET / route to the server
* [32:25] Add a POST /mews route to the server
* [33:25] fetch POST /mews from the client
* [35:47] Let’s talk about CORS!
* [37:02] Add CORS to the server
* [38:47] Add Body Parser to the server
* [39:54] Validate the body of the request on the server
* [45:10] Setup the database connection on the server
* [47:46] Insert into the database on the server
* [49:13] Log out the created mew on the client
* [52:33] Get all mews from the database on the server
* [53:42] fetch GET /mews on the client
* [54:48] Add all mews to the page on the client
* [1:04:35] Review what we have built
* [1:07:09] Prepare for deployment
* [1:12:26] Deploy Database with mlab
* [1:14:57] Deploy Server with
* [1:16:24] Deploy Client with

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